
Cost Comparison

To get a fair idea about the cost of living in other Canadian cities, have a look at the table below:

  Toronto Calgary Ottawa Winnipeg Vancouver Montreal
1-bedroom apartment in the city centre $1,423 $1,205 $1,189 $956 $1,447 $916
Average detached home $1,200,000 $491,394 $383,793 $300,011 $1,470,265 $325,900
Monthly transit pass $141.50 $97 $103 $92 $91 $82
Monthly broadband internet $55 $61 $51 $60 $64 $51
Dinner for two $75 $70 $70 $65 $65 $61.50
Loaf of bread $2.70 $2.53 $2.70 $2.25 $3.12 $3.29
Pint of beer $6.00 $6.50 $6.00 $5.00 $6.00 $6.00

The above-mentioned costs are an average estimate, your exact living expenditure will vary depending on your location and lifestyle. Calculate your monthly budget based on your answers to the following questions:

  • Do you like staying in or enjoy going out?
  • Do you want to stay alone in an apartment or don’t mind sharing it with roommates?
  • Do you like to eat out or cook your own meals?
  • Do you prefer travelling by bike, metro or bus?
  • Do you want to live in the centre of the city or a little away from the busy hustle-bustle?